We have taken note of frequently asked questions.
We created a video tutorial with answers.
Carve out 6 minutes and tune in!
We have uploaded a YouTube video.
You can press pause at any time.
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Press Esc to return.
We ask for your understanding about the following. The above "Video Tutorial" was constructed to match the prior, longer grant application. The instant application you will find in 2024 has fewer and more concentrated inquiries.
Please rely on the published deadlines on our home page, rather than those indicated when the video was made.
We continue to believe the 6 minutes that it takes to watch the "Video Tutorial" will serve you, especially because it answers frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about such matters as changing your password; navigating between tabs in the application; uploading attachments; saving your work frequently to prevent an engine time-out; and the final steps to transmit your submission.
Here we are led by listening for and hearing out the aspirations and assets of individuals, families, and communities in and near Hartford. You have invited us to join forces matching your ingenuity and innovation.
Thus, we thank you for your time and attention when you play this video!
We are seeing instances in which old colleagues and new colleagues: (a) set out to begin a grant application or return to their portal; (b) inadvertently make a human mistake in the eligibility quiz or try a former password then another in their sign-in; and (c) find themselves in a 'seeming loop' where they are returned to the same page. We have learned that CHROME and other browsers can interpret perceived 'repetition' as the action of a bot. The fastest solution is to switch browsers and return to execute your action. If you haven't more than one browser on your computer, you may choose to use your mobile phone. Once the browser is changed in order to begin and save a new application or to reset a password, CHROME or your orignal browser will be satisfied and can be used anew. We invite you to ask for our staff's support in any and all instances. And should we be unable to respond immediately, this solution is recommended for you. [This strategy might be of assistance on other websites as well, as browsers are more aggressive in guarding against bots, even when misguided.]